Friends of the Gallery – Morning Tea 2016

Friends of the Gallery – Morning Tea
Wed. 10th Feb 2016 at 10:30am
Eudunda Town Hall

Good attendance from ‘Friends of the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery’.
Kathy Handke, as the Eudunda Citizen of the Year had the honour of cutting this year’s beautiful cake. Kathy was actually quite new to the proceedings as she had never been able to attend due to work. Now that she has ‘retired’ she can finally see some of the great things happening around Eudunda.

Marcus Reseigh recited six of his original poems, which were based on the district and world around us.
It was announced that some new books were available for sale and others were purchased for the reference library, and a mystery object was voted on.
Membership to the ‘Friends of the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery’ are due.
Many took the opportunity to renew theirs at the morning tea.

A new Gustav’s Newsletter No. 46 – Feb 2016 was also handed out.