Wreath Laid By Heritage Gallery At Remembrance Day Ceremony

Several members of the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery attended the Eudunda Remembrance Day Ceremony on the 11th November 2022 along with representatives of many local organisations and private individuals.

Remembrance Day Ceremony 2022
Remembrance Day Ceremony 2022 – A Minutes Silence to Remember The Fallen.
At Front L-R: Colin Jenke (Eudunda RSL), Geoff Hansen (Eudunda RSL), Joy Pfitzner (Probus), Jennie Schutz (Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery), John Stephens (Eudunda RSL President), Hedley Scholz (Eudunda RSL).
Jennie Schutz Laying Wreath at Remembrance Day 2022
Jennie Schutz Laying Wreath at Remembrance Day 2022

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery representative Jennie Schutz laid the beautiful wreath on behalf of the Heritage Gallery at the solumn ceremony.

Eudunda Probus Club representative Joy Pfitzner laid the lovely wreath on behalf of the Eudunda Probus Club at the Remembrance ceremony.

Joy Pfitzner laying Eudunda Probus Wreath at this years Remembrance Day Ceremony
Joy Pfitzner laying Eudunda Probus Wreath at this years Remembrance Day Ceremony