The Eudunda Town Hall came alive with history enthusiasts on Wednesday 6th Feb when the Friends of the Gallery Morning Tea for 2019 got underway.
Chairperson Peter Horne welcomed a good turnout of members as they celebrated the 20th year that the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery have been going.

A highlight was to have former residents Max and Jo Duldig and Harry from Adelaide, and Elaine Leditschke from the Barossa attended the morning tea. Eudunda Ward Councilor Debbie Hibbert was also present to support the event.
Eudunda’s Citizen of the year, Peter Herriman cut the cake, after a fair few attempts at lighting the candles (due to the air-conditioning)
Printed photos – some of the School Photos were on display, with notes encouraging everyone to put names to the faces. A slideshow of photos Peter Herriman had taken from 1999 to 2003 was shown in the background (on the main stage screen), as people talked and reminisced.
Thanks to Roger Schubert for identifying the mystery item – a floor polisher attachment (which dispenses the actual polish) bought in by Jenny Herriman.
During the morning Hedley Scholz gave an update on events and Peter spoke about some of the milestone events coming next year, and how he hoped that some of the members here would be prepared to help in some way. The first task was to get a steering committee going. If you would like to help – please let the Heritage Gallery know.
In 2020 Eudunda will celebrate:
- 150 years of European Settlement
- 100th Birthday of Eudunda’s famous author Colin Thiele AC
So if all goes well, there will be a new chapter of history written about Eudunda, as we make it happen.
Here are some photos from the morning.