Who and Why Gustav

When Eudunda celebrated 125 years of white Settlement in 1995, local Artists Jim and Ronda Dunstan formulated the idea of figurines to depict characters of early pioneer days in Eudunda.

Gustav and his Dog were the first to appear. Jim and Ronda named Gustav after one of the fictional characters in a Colin Thiele Book. The Dunstan’s then went on to do workshops with the Community and Schools making many more such figurines.

The original Gustav and his Dog moved around the town to different locations, and have now become identifiable with the 125 year Celebrations.

When the Heritage Committee first assembled its collection in the old Wiesner Building (the two storeyed former emporium in the south west corner of the Railway Parade and Kapunda Street junction) Jim and Ronda gave the figurines of Gustav and his Dog to that body of people.

The Eudunda Family Heritage Committee adopted Gustav and his Dog as its Official logo in acknowledgment of our District’s hardworking Pioneers and their faithful, four legged offsiders.