Test 2

    Application for Friend of the Gallery (EFHG)

    Membership Details

    Your Subscription for the year 2022 to 2023 is $10.00

    To the Treasurer:

    Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Committee

    19 Bruce Street, Eudunda, SA, 5374
    Phone: (08) 8581 1552 (during opening hours only)

    Your Details

    Choose How To Pay


    Test credit card number is 4200 0000 0000 0000, OTHER FIELDS HAVE ANY DETAILS

    EFT Payment

    Payment Method is by 'Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)'

    Commonly called 'Bank Transfer'.

    Our Bank Details are:-

    Account Name: Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery
    Bank: BankSA
    BSB: 105-023
    Account Number: 029 122 240
    Reference: Your Name and add 'FOG' (so we know what payment was for)

    You Can Continue From Here By Clicking The SEND Button Below
    Please Don't Forget To Make You Payment At Your Bank. We will remind you in the email we send you with these details.

    Credit Card Payment

    You can pay straight away!
    It's really quick, easy and secure.
    Payments are processed by an Australian Gateway - 'Pin Payments' and you connect securely.

    Pay your Membership Subscription of $10.00 by clicking this button

    Pay Now

    OR If you like you can also donate the 48 cent Processing fee, of 48 cents,
    Membership $10.00 + 48 cents, TOTAL = $10.48 by clicking this button

    Pay Now

    After Making Online Payment, You Can Continue From Here By Clicking The SEND Button Below

    "Thank You For Supporting the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery as a 'Friend of the Gallery'"
    P.S. Don't forget to send this form in to us by clicking the SEND button below

    Further Details

    Upon pressing send, you should be redirected to the main page, and also receive an email from us to the email address you entered here. (that may take a short while to come through).

    If you are having any trouble making a payment, why not contact us directly on the web form.