test Application for Friend of the Gallery (EFHG) Membership Details Your Subscription for the year 2022 to 2023 is $10.00 To the Treasurer: Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Committee 19 Bruce Street, Eudunda, SA, 5374 Phone: (08) 8581 1552 (during opening hours only) Your Details Your Last Name (required) Your First Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Postal Address (required) Suburb (required) Postcode (required) State Country (No need to enter unless OUTSIDE of Australia) Please note that payment details may differ for Overseas Payments Please enter either a Mobile or Home Phone (or both) Your Mobile Phone Number Your Home Phone Number EFT Payment Details Current Payment Method is by 'Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)' Commonly called 'Bank Transfer'. You can do this with your mobile phone or computing device and your bank account Our Bank Details are:- Account Name: Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Bank: BankSA BSB: 105-023 Account Number: 029 122 240 Pay By Your Credit Card THIS FORM IS CURRENTLY IN TEST MODE - YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED Test credit card number is 4200 0000 0000 0000 You can pay straight away! It's really quick, easy and secure. Payments are processed by an Australian Gateway - 'Pin Payments' and you connect securely. You can pay directly for your Membership Subscription of $10.00 by clicking this button OR If you like you can also donate the 48 cent Processing fee when you pay for your Membership Subscription Membership $10.00 + donate the Processing Fee of 48 cents for a total payment of $10.48 by clicking this button Further Details Your Message (You may wish to tell us more). Upon pressing send, you should be redirected to the main page, and also receive an email from us to the email address you entered here. (that may take a short while to come through).